Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 February, 2022

Year 6 Takeover Logo Competition

Year 6 Takeover Logo Competition - year-6-takeover-logo-competition
Year 6 Takeover Logo Competition As part of our Y6 Takeover of the school newsletter, the students have designed a graffiti tag-style graphic.

As part of our Y6 Takeover of the school newsletter, the students have designed a graffiti tag-style graphic.

As part of our Y6 Takeover of the school newsletter, the students have designed a graffiti tag-style graphic. We looked at some examples of modern graffiti, which developed as a form of self-expression in the streets of New York in the 1960’s. The children practiced using graffiti techniques such as building letters around stick shapes and adding shadows. We then had a competition for a legible, creative logo suitable for the takeover. As you can see from the shortlisted entries, the standard was very high. 

Wiiner - Julian N.

2nd place - Sofia J.

3rd place - Maria S.