Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 February, 2022

How to form relationships

How to form relationships - how-to-form-relationships-1
How to form relationships Loving, stable and responsive relationships are fundamental to any child’s development.

Loving, stable and responsive relationships are fundamental to any child’s development.

Our secondary school students spend most of their time every week in school and it is through the relationships that they establish in school, that they develop a wide variety of skills such as thinking, understanding, communicating, behaving correctly or expressing their emotions.

Students not only establish relationships with their peers but also with their teachers and other adults in school and this allows them to develop long lasting life skills. Resilience, communication and confidence are just some of these life skills that our students learn in school. 

In our school, it is all about respect. As one of our core values highlights, we embed respect in every thing we do and we encourage our students to do so as well. Respect of other cultures, languages, faiths and other ways of doing things. Only by respecting each other are we able to build strong positive caring relationships which will extend beyond school. It is our job as educators to not only ensure that our students achieve academically but also to ensure that they are able to build relationships based on respect and tolerance which will allow them to grow up without making the same mistakes that we, as adults, are making right now.

“A great relationship is about two things, first, find out the similarities, second respect the differences”  - Anonymous

Alfons Vinent

Deputy Head Academics