Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 February, 2022

Personal Learning Goals as part of our School Values at TBS Warsaw

Personal Learning Goals as part of our School Values at TBS Warsaw - personal-learning-goals-as-part-of-our-school-values-at-tbs-warsaw
Personal Learning Goals as part of our School Values at TBS Warsaw As an accredited IPC school, our personal learning goals (PLGs) are the characteristics we believe children should develop to become respectful global citizens.

As an accredited IPC school, our personal learning goals (PLGs) are the characteristics we believe children should develop to become respectful global citizens.

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The PLGs are so important for 21st Century Learners because in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, we know that some of our learners will face challenging circumstances. Whether consciously or not, the Personal Learning Goals cultivate within us, a set of ways of approaching challenges, and they strongly shape our attitudes and capabilities as thinkers and learners. For this reason, if learners are to flourish and overcome challenges, their dispositional qualities must be a key area of focus for teachers and school leaders. It has been argued that there is a need for increased focus on soft skills as we enter the fourth industrial revolution; with increasing levels of artificial intelligence, equipping learners with skills that artificial intelligence cannot emulate is more important than ever before.

The aim of the Personal Learning Goals is to develop character and attitudes, rather than Knowledge, Skills and Understanding. So they are constructed with the preceding sentence: To be _____, I aim to _______.

The 8 Personal Learning Goals are all things we can be:

  • Adaptable
  • (a) Communicator
  • (a) Collaborator
  • Empathetic
  • Ethical
  • Resilient
  • Respectful
  • (a) Thinker

Each Personal Learning Goal has a number of indicators with progression through the mileposts (MPs). Year 1 and 2 are MP1, Year 3 and 4 are MP2 and Year 5 and 6 MP3. Every class has all the PLGs and the indicators that relate to their milepost up in their classroom as a large poster so that they can refer to it as they learn and develop their understanding of these terms. Opportunities to experience and practice these specific goals are built into the learning that occurs not just in IPC lessons but across the curriculum. Learning about these qualities through studying people, cultures and civilizations in subject blocks such as History and International also helps children understand the benefits and complexities around developing these Personal Goals.

The Personal Learning Goals intentionally compliment and support our school’s shared vision and is promoted beyond the classroom through whole school events such as celebrations and assemblies. Teachers at the British School Warsaw make sure there are regular opportunities to model and demonstrate the Personal Learning Goals so that children can see them as skills that everyone can develop and build on.

Each PLG has a dedicated superhero to represent these. The superheroes were created and designed by children and help bring some the PLGs to life and helps children understand them in a more accessible way. They can be found in every classroom and help children to discuss and reflect.

A consistent approach to using our Personal Learning Goals helps ensure that all children develop these along side their curriculum learning gaols as they go on their education journey at our school.

Learning Goal

Values strand


Embodying Respect




Sparking curiosity




Celebrating diversity



Thomas Holmes

Deputy Head Primary