Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 February, 2022

Learning Moral Values

Learning Moral Values - learning-moral-values
Learning Moral Values There are many different opportunities for students to learn about moral values in school.

There are many different opportunities for students to learn about moral values in school.

In PSHE and tutor time students may have discussions that are directly linked to how they feel about their own contributions to a wider society. In English they may consider the morality of the characters they study in a book. In History they may consider the morality of historical leaders and activists. In science or psychology, ethics surrounding a particular experiment. These activities often give students a strong hypothetical understanding of moral values and they can become confident in giving their opinion on how others should or shouldn't act. The harder moral lessons to learn develop through the community that they develop with their peers within school. Each time they face a moral dilemma about how best to support their friends in times of conflict they learn something new about their own values. We can rarely tell students what the right or wrong approach is but by providing them with the space to discuss moral values in a variety of ways we can hope that they will be well equipped to make decisions with good intentions; to learn and to grow. 

Alexandra Hands

Deputy Head Pastoral