Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 February, 2022

Safer Internet Parent Academy

Safer Internet Parent Academy - safer-internet-parent-academy
Safer Internet Parent Academy Mr Cressey, our Head of Computer Science, presented a Parent Academy session on Monday about safer internet use. A summary of his main points are as follows...

Mr Cressey, our Head of Computer Science, presented a Parent Academy session on Monday about safer internet use.  A summary of his main points are as follows...

  • It is impossible to completely insulate young people from negative content on the internet. However, we can support them in developing emotional resilience and good judgement.
  • Social media addiction or gaming addiction is often a response to problems in real life. In this case, tackling the addiction is unlikely to be successful unless the underlying causes are also addressed.
  • Anything posted on the internet could be searchable for decades to come. Young people should take care to avoid data appearing online if it could be embarrassing to them later in life.
  •  Young people have little disposable income so they are often attracted to free apps and games. However, software isn't free to produce so many free products will use manipulative in-app marketing or malware to make their money.
  • You can use the time controls on your router to disable wifi between certain hours. I recommend configuring it to turn off 30 minutes before bed and turn on again mid-morning.

Lewis Cressey

Head of Computer Science