Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 February, 2022

Message from our Principal - February

Message from our Principal - message-from-our-principal
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Raising awareness amongst our students is one way we can try to keep children safe however it is really important that we work in partnership with parents.
Message from our Principal The impact and advantages of technology on our lives today cannot be ignored.

The impact and advantages of technology on our lives today cannot be ignored.

The impact and advantages of technology on our lives today cannot be ignored. We increasingly rely on technology for our hobbies, leisure time, work and study, in fact it is increasingly difficult to imagine life before computerised systems and smart phones. Whilst we can see many advantages of technology, we must also be mindful of disadvantages for our health and well-being in addition to the potential dangers of connecting and collaborating on-line.

This week, we have had a whole school focus around on-line safety. I have joined assemblies and heard students discussing the platforms they use on-line. Students have spoken about chat rooms and games which have enabled them to make new ‘friends’. Unfortunately, the reality is that meeting someone through these connections can pose certain risks.

I strongly recommend that all parents gain a good understanding of the games and platforms being used at home; checking whether they are age-appropriate is the first step when ensuring safety on-line. Talking with your child at home is the greatest tool to help keep them safe; if you have knowledge of the platforms they are using, this will help your conversations to be more purposeful. Talking regularly and making it part of daily conversations will help your child feel relaxed. It also means that when they do have any worries, they’re more likely to come and speak to you.

With health and well-being in mind, I am pleased to share the success of our trips out and about this week. Being away from the screen and having the chance to exercise is very important and Mr. Kev in the Community Garden, and our very own TBS Warsaw hens, had 4 classes of very enthusiastic children visit this week. Our students were also taking part in off-campus baking activities, ceramics, and adventures on the trampolines.

One of our highlights this week was to hear that news that our students, who have been busy learning via our Virtual School Education, will be able to return one week earlier than previously stated. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on February 21st February.

I hope you all have a healthy weekend,

Sue Hill
