Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 February, 2022

Love Sonnets by Year 10 English students

Love Sonnets by Year 10 English students - love-sonnets-by-year-10-english-students
Love Sonnets by Year 10 English students Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach and experienced love as an ‘’alluring jewel’’?

Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach and experienced love as an ‘’alluring jewel’’?

Maybe your love has had its ‘’storms’’ but eventually become the ‘’sunrise’’ which has made you get out of bed and urged you to move forward? Or maybe you have suffered from unrequited love and held ‘’silent screams’’ in you? - Quotes from Year 10 sonnets

Whatever you may have experienced in your life, I don’t think that these deep inner feelings could have been better expressed than in the sonnets of my Y10 students. Inspired by one of Shakespeare’s most well-known sonnets, Sonnet 116: Let me not to the marriage of true minds, they have ever so beautifully employed figurative devices and rhyme scheme in their poetry. Shakespeare would have been proud of them. I certainly am!

Poems in attachment below!

Mrs Baranska

English Teacher