Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
03 February, 2022

Did you hear about the hen who could only lay eggs in winter?

Did you hear about the hen who could only lay eggs in winter? - did-you-hear-about-the-hen-who-could-only-lay-eggs-in-winter
Did you hear about the hen who could only lay eggs in winter? She was no spring chicken!

She was no spring chicken!

As you can see from the latest photographs from the coop, our TBSW community hens are being well cared for and thriving despite the latest cold snap.

Our students helped to make the coop nice and cosy this winter, with hay bales and sheeting placed around the coop to insulate and keep out the chilly winds.  We also lay down a layer of straw on the floor and deep litter in the roosting and nest box to keep them as comfortable and warm as possible.

Working outside, getting the community garden ready for spring, with feet and hands like blocks of ice and shivering despite numerous layers and thermals, I have been pleasantly surprised how well the hens have coped with the cold, happily following me around waiting for a treat.

I can update that Polly still looks up expectantly and takes every opportunity to jump up and sit on my leg, I’m not sure if she’s happy to see me or just using it as an opportunity to further warm herself, whilst leaving wet and moody prints all over my trousers.

Eggwina is getting bossier, giving me the odd peck if I don’t give her the special seed as quickly as she would like. Whilst each day Layla and Shelly run to meet me, always blocking the gate so I need to shoo them away, excited at the prospect of foraging, eager for me to rake an area clear of snow and throw down some fresh feed.

I’m happy to announce that they have continued to lay delicious free-range eggs, which we donated to my wonderful volunteer students in the garden club.

Hopefully we will see all our students return to school soon and hopefully some will have the opportunity to visit our outdoor learning environment. Wrapping up warm and helping to start to prepare the community garden to get it ready for spring, as the garden club have started planning what, where and when we can start planting seeds ready for this year’s produce.

Kevin Halpin

Community Service Officer