Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 January, 2022

Mocks in Year 11

Mocks in Year 11 - mocks-in-year-11
Mocks in Year 11 Dear Parents, when our current Year 11's sat last year's summer exams we couldn't imagine that Covid would continue to disrupt our lives.

Dear Parents, when our current Year 11's sat last year's summer exams we couldn't imagine that Covid would continue to disrupt our lives.

Typically, these mocks are a great exercise which allows students (and teachers) to see where improvements are needed ahead of final exams.  This year our students are understanding that these mocks are more important than ever.

It is impossible to anticipate what will happen with the summer exams and of course this adds pressure to everyone involved so I do hope Year 11 manage to have a bit of time out this weekend before starting another busy week.

Thank you Parents for your support so far.

Nicci Theodoulou

Isams Manager and GCSE exams Co-ordinator