Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 January, 2022

Hidden Talents - January

Hidden Talents - hidden-talents
Hidden Talents Celebrating the achievements of our pupils outside of the classroom!

Celebrating the achievements of our pupils outside of the classroom!

This week: Lara B. – Rhythmic Gymnastics

Who are you and what class are you in?

My name is Lara B. and I am in Year 3 Bees.

What is your hidden talent?

My talent is rhythmic gymnastics. Which is a mix of dance, sports, stretching and balancing. I like to use the hoop the most.

Why do you enjoy it so much?

I enjoy it because it helps me be flexible and bendy and learn new elements.

Why is it important to work hard towards your goal?

If you don’t work hard to a goal, it won’t happen and it won’t be perfect for a competition if you want to win.

Have you taken part in any competitions or ways to show your talent outside of school?

Yes, I took part in two international competitions, once in 4th and once in the International competition Mazovia Cup I came in 2nd place when I got a big trophy and a crown.

What would you say to someone who might want to try something similar? 

They should give it a go and keep trying if you can’t do it at first. I had to keep trying and I couldn’t always do it but now I have kept going and I can do it!

How has this hidden talent helped you?

It has given me confidence and I have learnt about my health and body. It takes a lot of time but it is worth it.