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Evelina Mroczkowska
Key Stage 3-5 Humanities Teacher, Head of Year 13
01 October, 2020

Resilience: The Key to Perseverance

TBS Warsaw IB students demonstrate resilience during covid19
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Our campuses offer an enriching learning environment. Students have the perfect surroundings to grow, mature, and set their sights on realising their dreams and aspirations.

Normal does not exist. There is no such thing as “normal,” instead what the world is going through today is as what Meryl Streep noted in her 2010 commencement speech to Bernard College ”… a lot of change, resistance to change and then more change (Streep, 2020).”


Resilience and the IB Learner Profile

COVID-19 has had a lot to do with this situation. Most especially in creating a world where we are all unsure about life around us and the way we used to do business, learn or interact with each other can be vastly different to what we are doing now. In trying to create stronger students who can adeptly deal with change, the IB Learner Profile recognises the importance of building resilience in students in order to encourage lifelong learning and the hope of a better world.


What is Resilience?

Resilience is the ability to adapt and recover from adversity and stress. It is the inner strength that helps individuals bounce back from difficult situations, while also maintaining mental well-being and functioning effectively. Resilience can be developed over time through positive attitudes, supportive relationships, effective coping strategies, and a sense of purpose. In education, fostering resilience equips students to manage academic pressures, navigate social challenges, and adapt to changing demands, making them more capable of facing setbacks and pursuing their goals with confidence.


Resilience amid constant change

Resilience can be seen as the key ingredient in helping our students preserve through this climate of change. In fact, even before COVID-19 reared its ugly head, our students were constantly challenged by change, choosing subjects that will pave the way for their future, preparing for long and intensive exams, learning to write new higher level reports such as the Extended Essay, and entering new environments to provide service, complete a new activity or build on a skill. IB students are challenged to face new situations on a daily basis, and as a result, they have built up their ability to be resilient to adversity and persevere through the good, bad and ugly moments in life. This has made them stronger as a group of students and when entering the world they are more able to adapt to many situations.


IB students demonstrate resilience and perseverance during remote learning

Our students have demonstrated resilience over the past few months by working and sticking to their virtual school lessons, researching and supporting one another in building their understanding of topics, and learning new skills in lockdown, such as cooking, programming or even yoga. I am very proud to see how our students are now looking at creative/technical ways in trying to continue their education and experiences in school, even during these restricted times. I have had conversations about interesting projects that some students would like to start that really show a higher level of thinking, ingenuity and perseverance that we will move them past this situation. One such project is the IB Radio show, which is an initiative from the IB Student Leadership team to try to improve the positive mood and feeling in the school. This is done by playing music for the students entering the IB Building every morning, as well as providing important information to the student body through a Friday break radio program and interview.


The outcome of resilience in students

The ability to not only cope with these challenges but to continue to progress demonstrates the independence, organization and resilience of our IBDP students. In the end, the resilient student will come out from this situation with many positive life experiences. The goal is not to let these situations bring us down, but instead ask how they can be used to build us up?


Evelina Mroczkowska 

Key Stage 3-5 Humanities Teacher 

Head of Year 13



Streep, M. (2020, April 17). Teen Vogue. Retrieved from 16 Best Graduation Speeches That Leave A Lasting Impression:


At TBS Warsaw we offer a truly global experience with outstanding teachers and exceptional learning opportunities. Our students achieve academic excellence and develop the skills they need to make a difference in the world outside the classroom.