28 June, 2024

An outstanding learning experience – STEAM week at MIT

STEAM week at MIT - STEAM week at MIT

To succeed in the future our children must learn how to think, not what to think. Our collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is designed to prepare students for our rapidly evolving world, equipping them with the skills and techniques to thrive. Through hands-on, interdisciplinary learning of STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths), students at Regents develop the transferable skills needed to invent the future they will ultimately inherit.

Anjali and Vidula from Year 12, and a group of students from across other Nord Anglia Education schools gathered for a once-in-a-lifetime experience at MIT in November 2023. The event welcomed students from around the world, who took part in activities such as masterclasses and challenges as well as met with MIT students and professors. The students also had time to explore the city of Boston, USA.

STEAM week at MIT - STEAM week at MIT


"The MIT trip was truly an unforgettable experience. Not only did it help us build our knowledge of the STEAM field, but it also allowed us to meet and work with like-minded students from across the globe. The workshops, lectures and projects during the trip were undeniably some of the most memorable activities I have participated in, giving us an insight into the inner workings of MIT along with other technological institutes around the world and I am so grateful for being given the opportunity to take part." said Anjali after the STEAM week at MIT.

Vidula couldn't agree more and said, "Being able to go to MIT was a remarkable and unimaginable experience that will forever remain in my memories. This opportunity allowed me to expand my knowledge in the STEAM world and allowed me to make friends that I am never going to forget. Surrounded by brilliant minds I entered challenging projects while having a deep passion for the areas of science and technology. The MIT environment cultivated my curiosity through mini workshops, interaction with students from MIT and our final Project EXPO. I am so incredibly grateful for this amazing opportunity." 

The event was one of the many incredible opportunities for our students to learn through collaboration beyond traditional learning.


STEAM week at MIT - STEAM week at MIT