Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 June, 2024

Celebrating PBIS Students: Achieving Silver Distinction for Social Impact

Silver Distinction for Social Impact - Silver Distinction for Social Impact

We are incredibly proud to announce that the Prague British International School (PBIS) has been awarded the NAE Social Impact Distinction at Silver: Rights and Goals Aware. This achievement is a testament of the hard work our Social Impact Teams and teachers put into making a chance towards more sustainable future. It recognises our students' outstanding understanding and advocacy for children's rights and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For achieving the Silver Social Impact Distinction, our teams had to prove the understanding of the UN Convention on the Right of the Child, Principles of Equality, Dignity, Respect, Non-Discrimination and more. Read on to find out how we’ve incorporated each part of Social Impact into every day school life.

Student Understanding of Rights and Goals

Across the school, students have demonstrated a stronger grasp of the Global Goals, discussing these in lessons and linking them to real-life examples of rights being respected or violated. Moreover, our Year 12 students led a Global Goals teaching project, sharing their knowledge with younger students and enhancing their understanding of these critical issues.

Teaching and Learning about Rights and Goals

Primary teachers reviewed how rights could be incorporated into their curriculum planning, linking the Goals to the creative curriculum. The libraries on all campuses also features books related to a dedicated SDG each month, and both students and teachers lead assemblies on the Global Goals. The Humanities Department also invites speakers from NGOs like Radio Free Europe to discuss global issues with our students.

Staff Training and Engagement

Our staff have been instrumental in achieving this distinction. Primary staff received training from our Social Impact Lead, Ms Gremminger, and shared best practices throughout the year.

Student Voice and Participation

Through various channels, students actively contribute to decision-making processes, influencing aspects of school life like cafeteria choices, equipment, and dress code.

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Our students report feeling safe and included in our diverse international community. Teachers celebrate home cultures and Czech traditions in lessons and school events. Our PSHE curriculum supports understanding of diversity, racism, and allyship.

Taking Action for Social Impact

Our students are actively engaged in social impact activities. They participate in fundraising for UNICEF and environmental activities through our Eco Council, linking their efforts to children’s rights. These experiences help them develop skills in advocacy and public speaking, preparing them to be global citizens.

Congratulations to our students and staff for this remarkable achievement. We look forward to continuing our journey towards greater social impact and aiming for the Gold Distinction in the future. Thank you for your dedication and hard work in making our school better day by day.