Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 May, 2024

Under the Open Sky: The benefits of Outdoor Learning

News Detail - Hands-on Learning

At PBIS, Education extends far beyond the classroom walls! Our commitment to providing a holistic education for your children has led to the creation of an outdoor learning programme, which includes a variety of opportunities and experiences to enrich our students’ lives.

In a changing world of rapidly advancing technology, increased digital screen time and environmental concerns, it has never felt more important to provide children with meaningful experiences in nature. However, this time should not just be seen as a respite from staring at screens but as a valuable learning opportunity, developing positive characteristics that aren’t as easily achievable in the classroom.

Outdoor learning at PBIS is not just about education; it is also about fostering a sense of wonder, curiosity, and responsibility towards the planet. We aim to create a generation of young leaders who will shape a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Through outdoor learning, we are preparing them to take on the challenges of the world with resilience, creativity, and compassion.

The benefits of outdoors learning

Skills of resilience, creativity, problem-solving and increased self-confidence are frequently cited as beneficial outcomes from outdoor learning experiences. Many of these skills are viewed as vital attributes to cope with the demands of an unknown future and thrive in jobs that haven’t yet been invented! The benefits of outdoor learning upon social, emotional and physical well-being provide further incentives for ensuring our students get the best opportunities possible throughout their learning journey at PBIS.

Forest schools at the doorstep

Forest School programme within the grounds of the Kamyk campus, provides a safe and enriching environment where children can explore, learn and grow within the natural world. By engaging in hands-on outdoor activities, children develop a profound connection with nature, fostering a deep sense of responsibility and stewardship for the environment. Therefore, contributing towards our school’ aim of producing conscientious global citizens who will change our world for the better.

Stepping off the campus for adventurous residential trips

Our annual residential trips deliver a wide range of progressive activities in breath taking natural areas of beauty. Whilst the students will find themselves challenged by a variety of physically and mentally challenging tasks throughout the days to enhance team-building skills and personal resilience, it is often the experience of staying away from home and family, which can promote the greatest developments in independence and adaptability.