Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
05 August, 2024

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

The very best teachers shape lives. They ignite imaginations and inspire excellence. And they instil a lifetime love of learning.


At Léman International School (LIS) Chengdu, we see the transformative impact outstanding teachers have every day. Their experience and expertise bring learning to life in extraordinary ways, ensuring our students are engaged and motivated to be their very best.


So, what are the characteristics of a great teacher? In this article, we’ll explore the must-have qualities we expect from our teachers – and how these attributes ensure our students reach their goals

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

What makes a good teacher?

Being a great teacher isn’t just about knowing your subject inside out; it’s about connecting with your students, embracing technology, and being adaptable. 

The qualities of excellent teachers go beyond traditional metrics, too. It’s much more than grades and benchmarks, with skills such as empathy, adaptability, and a passion for fostering an inclusive setting equally as important in today’s educational environment.

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

  • The top 10 qualities of excellent teachers
  1. Excellent communication skills

Effective teaching is rooted in clear and concise communication. Good communicators engage students in a way that makes subject material understandable and exciting. Strong communication also means explaining complex ideas in simple terms and using various methods, such as visual aids, to reinforce learning.

  1. Empathy and compassion

One of the most important qualities a teacher needs is the ability to understand and connect with students on a personal level. Empathy and compassion involve listening to a child’s concerns, recognising their needs, offering support, and adapting lessons to include diverse perspectives.

  1.  A passion for their subject matter

A fundamental trait among great teachers is a thorough understanding of – and passion for – their subject. This combination is infectious, inspiring students to develop a love of learning. When a teacher is excited about a topic, this enthusiasm translates into engaging lessons.
  1. Adaptability

International education is constantly changing, and adaptability is key to keeping up. This quality allows teachers to modify their strategies to suit new technologies, curriculum changes, and the diverse learning styles of students.

  1. Patience

Every good teacher is patient. The ability to remain calm and composed, even when faced with classroom challenges or endless questions from curious minds, is essential. This characteristic helps to create a learning environment where students feel valued and heard.

  1. Innovative thinking

The best teachers can think outside the box. Innovative thinking involves developing creative strategies that make learning interactive and fun. This can mean games, technology, or project-based learning, which keeps students engaged.

  1. A commitment to lifelong learning

A great teacher is committed to lifelong learning. This means keeping up with the latest educational trends, research, and technologies. This ensures their teaching methods remain relevant and effective.

  1. Classroom management

Effective classroom management fosters an environment where every student can learn and thrive. This involves establishing clear rules, setting expectations, and fostering a sense of respect and cooperation. 

  1. Motivational skills

The best teachers set high expectations for their students – and support them to realise their full potential. A motivational teacher inspires students through positive reinforcement, celebrating their achievements. They also set challenging yet achievable goals, helping students see the value of hard work and perseverance.

  1. Feedback skills

A good teacher can provide clear feedback and assess student work in a way that promotes growth and improvement. Constructive feedback helps students understand their strengths and areas for development, guiding them toward their goals.

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

Home to the world’s best teachers 

These qualities are what make a good teacher. And our educators have these attributes in abundance. 

That’s because, as a school, we only recruit and retain the best. Every member of our team shares our commitment to excellence, internationalism, and wellbeing, too.

Our teachers:

  • Are highly qualified and experienced: Our national and international teaching team have a wealth of experience, both in the UK and overseas. They all hold UK Qualified Teacher Status or equivalent. Many have Master’s degrees, too.

  • Undergo a full induction: Before they start teaching, every new member of staff has a comprehensive induction that explains our expectations, policies, and procedures. We also make sure they understand our ethos, principles, and personalised education approach.

  • Are committed to LIS Chengdu: Our teachers and staff stay with us for an average of six years – many for much longer. This provides a continuity of education for our students and creates a strong knowledge base. Many of our staff also progress into senior positions.

  • Receive the best possible training: Our teachers are at the cutting-edge of global educational trends, thanks to the award-winning Nord Anglia University development platform and International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) training. Subject specialists benefit from ongoing support from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and The Juilliard School, too.

  • What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

The impact of a great teacher

Our teachers have a transformative impact on our children in the here and now. But they also have the unique ability to shape our students’ futures. 

Through their dedication and passion, they equip our learners with the tools and knowledge to navigate the world successfully. They also ignite a lifelong love for learning, empowering students to become influential individuals who make a real difference to the world.

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

  • How can teachers help students reach their goals?

Our teachers’ approach to helping each student achieve their goals is grounded in five principles.

  1. Best practice teaching methods, such as differentiated instruction, high-order reasoning, and daily lesson refinements. 

  1. Highly personalised instruction, which is documented and guided by individual Personal Learning Plans. 

  1. Data analytics, which are used to track each child’s journey through school so we can tailor their learning plan. 

  1. College and careers guidance, which starts from Year 6. 

  1. Exciting extra-curricular activities and international learning opportunities.

  2. At the heart of each of these five principles is a commitment to personalised learning. 

    Our teachers are experts at adapting how and what they teach, and know this is what it takes to bring out the best in each child. By giving our students this level of individual attention, our educators help them grow into confident, independent, and lifelong learners.

    Successful teachers, successful students

A great teacher shapes a student’s entire life trajectory. And our teachers have been doing that for more than two decades.

Our teachers are successful because they engage with our students, they use technology innovatively, and they’re committed to personal and professional growth. They also possess vital soft skills, such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and the ability to collaborate.Really importantly, they continuously seek ways to improve and adapt, making learning a memorable and impactful experience for every student.

Successful teachers, successful students

What makes a good teacher? The top 10 qualities our staff have in abundance  - What makes a good teacher

A great teacher shapes a student’s entire life trajectory. And our teachers have been doing that for more than two decades.

Our teachers are successful because they engage with our students, they use technology innovatively, and they’re committed to personal and professional growth. They also possess vital soft skills, such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and the ability to collaborate.

Really importantly, they continuously seek ways to improve and adapt, making learning a memorable and impactful experience for every student.

What makes a good teacher? | LIS Chengdu

LIS Chengdu is home to exceptional national and international staff. Discover the qualities that make a good teacher and how a personalised approach fuels student success.