Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 July, 2024

SI Distinct Bronze

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze
SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze

LIS recently received a prestigious award from the Nord Anglia Social Impact Programme! Our school has been awarded the Social Impact Distinction (Bronze) accreditation: Rights and Goals Committed. This distinction supports schools in integrating their efforts on children's rights and global goals to create a significant impact on local, national, and global communities. The foundation for this award is UNICEF UK's Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA). It helps schools consolidate their ongoing efforts to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and children's rights, further embedding social impact work into school values and practices. 

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze

Creating Action Plan 

The Social Impact Distinction consists of three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. To achieve Bronze as the initial step, we conducted three separate surveys for primary, secondary students, and staff. The Social Impact Student Lead Jenny and one of the Student Council Lead Harry analyzed over 300 survey responses with Ms. Ji to determine the RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rating of our school's social impact performance. The Steering Team, comprising representatives of parents, teachers, students, non-teaching staff, and Senior Leaders, collaborated to create an Action Plan based on the RAG rating results. 

The comprehensive plan includes 33 actions across three strands to ensure children's rights are central to our teaching, learning, and pastoral care: 

Strand A: Teaching and learning about the Global Goals and the Rights of the Child. 

Strand B: Embedding equality, dignity, and respect in school values. 

Strand C: Taking action for social impact. 

This process enabled us to identify the areas of social impact performance that our school can further strengthen, and this action plan will undoubtedly serve as an effective guide to help us achieve our goal of becoming a positive impact school. 

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze

Sharing evidence of SI outcomes 

In addition to completing the Action Plan, we have shared evidence of our current Social Impact Program activities. Our school collaborates closely with charity organizations such as Hope Station, Haihui, Jinxin Hospital, Bear Rescue Center. Teachers and the Student Council have organized various SI events like UN Day, World Children’s Day, World Language Day, and seasonal charity sales, providing students with opportunities to explore SDGs and take action. Each term, Social Impact Lead Ms. Ji shares all SI activities and contributions with NAE and receives the LIS Term Report from the NAE SI Program. This school year alone, we have helped 57 children with special needs and 13 elderly patients by donating money and goods worth about $4500. This SI Distinct award recognizes our achievements and inspires students and teachers to continue their journey in Social Impact, making positive changes in the broader community as global citizens. 

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze

Working Together for Further Achievement 

Working Together for Further AchieveThe Bronze accreditation is our first stage in the NAE Social Impact Distinction, which comprises three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. This distinction represents a long-term commitment to embedding rights and goals at the core of our school values. We will continue to work together as a community to achieve further and make more positive changes both locally and globally. As our next step, we look forward to achieving our silver award after successfully completing our action plan. With the commitment of students, teachers, and all members, this outcome seems well within reach.

SI Distinct Bronze - SI Distinct Bronze