Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 June, 2024

Léman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Lèman Teachers Make a Splash at Dragon Boat Festival

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

On a rainy Sunday in June, a group of teachers from Lèman International School traded their usual classroom duties for a day of intense dragon boat racing. Led by Principal Mrs. Connor, a team of 10 teachers from school participated in the annual Dragon Boat Festival, showcasing their spirit, teamwork, and athletic prowess. 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

The team comprised of Mr Muir, Ms Dracz, Mr McCabe, Mr Ghaffar, Mr Ohagah, Mr McAllister, Mr Syncia, Ms Van Der Merwe, Mr Bradley and Ms Bezuidenhout….. with Mrs Connor up front at the drum! 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Despite being newcomers to the sport, the teachers approached the day with enthusiasm and determination, making sure to put in weeks of training. “None of us had ever raced in a dragon boat before, but we were excited for the challenge," said Mrs. Connor. "From the moment we arrived, we could feel the energy and excitement of the festival. It was infectious." 

As they took to the water, the teachers quickly found their rhythm, working in sync to propel their brightly painted dragon boat across the finish line. Though they didn't claim the top spot, their performance was not without reward. To the delight of the cheering crowd, the team was recognized with a special award for their style and dedication. 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

 "The atmosphere on the water was just incredible," reflected Year 1 teacher, Mr Muir. "The drums, the cheers, the sense of camaraderie - it was an experience we'll never forget. We may not have been the fastest team out there, but we definitely had the most fun." 

For Principal Mrs. Connor, the day was about more than just the racing. "This was such a wonderful opportunity for our teachers to come together, step out of their comfort zones, and represent our school in a unique and exciting way," she said. "The smiles on their faces said it all - this was a memory they'll cherish for a long time. We were modelling what we want to see from our students.” 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

As the dragon boats were packed away and the festival drew to a close, the teachers returned to school with a newfound appreciation for the spirit of teamwork and community that had carried them through the day. Though they may have been novices on the water, they had proven themselves champions in the hearts of all who witnessed their participation. 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

To top it all off, the team, alongside the primary student team, managed to raise over 13,000 rmb which the two teams will present to Hope Station in the coming days. 

Léman Students Triumph at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Léman International School's students showcased their exceptional spirit and teamwork at the annual Dragon Boat race held at Luxe Lakes. Competing as the "Léman Dreamers," the students displayed impressive leadership and dedication, highlighting their determination and skill. 

Led by Jeremy from Year 5, who meticulously organized the team and crafted the training plans, the Léman Dreamers prepared rigorously for the race. Jeremy confidently stated, “Next year we will win because Léman is the best.”  

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

The team members included Logan (Year 4), Kingsley (Year 6), Hunter (Year 6), Lucas (Year 5), Jayden (Year 5), Jenney (Year 6), Sean S. (Year 5), Sean W. (Year 5), Shangxi (Year 5), Annabel (Year 5), and Vincent (Year 5). Each member contributed unique strengths and qualities to the team. The rest of the students paddled with all their might, anchored by Kingsley, the muscle of the group. 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Logan, the team’s drummer, kept the beat and spirit high, pushing the team forward and leading them in joyous renditions of the "SpongeBob SquarePants" theme song. Logan shared, “I want to compete with my friends next year.” 

The students' hard work was met with enthusiastic support from their parents, who cheered them on every step of the way. The event was not only fun and exciting but also a clear demonstration of the strong community spirit at Léman. The students even raised money to support others, showcasing their commitment to making a positive impact. 

“The race was awesome! We had so much fun and it shows how strong our community is,” said Sean W. All the students agreed it was a positive and memorable event. 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

The Léman Dreamers' achievement is a source of pride for the entire Léman community. Their hard work, leadership, and unity brought them success on the water and highlighted the strength and spirit of Léman students. 

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race - Leman Team at Luxe Lakes Dragon Boat Race

Congratulations to the Léman Dreamers on their fantastic performance and for embodying the values of teamwork, perseverance, and leadership.