16 May, 2023

Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street

Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street - Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street

Year 8/9 Language Acquisition students recently had the opportunity to explore the famous Jinli Pedestrian Street in Chengdu, China. As part of their language studies, the students have been learning about street foods, food carts, and how foods can influence culture. They've also been working on developing their own business ideas for a food company, including creating menus, recipes, and information books.

Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street - Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street - Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street

To help them further explore the world of food, the students also practised the role of being a food blogger. The trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street gave them the chance to try a wide variety of foods, research the history behind them, and describe their tastes and textures. The students were able to sample local delicacies and street food offerings, many of which were new and exciting to them.

The excursion to Jinli Pedestrian Street was an ideal opportunity to gather information and inspiration for their upcoming assignment: writing a food blog about the foods of Jinli and Chengdu. The students will use their experiences from the trip to create engaging and informative blog posts about the various dishes they tasted, the cultural significance of the foods, and the history and preparation of the dishes.

Through this assignment, the students will not only improve their language skills but also develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between food and culture, as well as the importance of food in everyday life. They will be able to reflect on their own experiences and observations and share their newfound knowledge with others through their blog posts.

Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street - Trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street

Overall, the trip to Jinli Pedestrian Street was an enriching and exciting experience for the Year 8/9 Language Acquisition students. It allowed them to explore a different culture through the lens of food, and to gain valuable insights and inspiration for their upcoming food blogging assignment.