Tom Walter

Head of Physical Education
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Mr Walter completed his degree in Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Exeter, England. After 3 years working in London, Mr Walter combined his love of sport and education and gained a PGCE through Buckingham University.

8 years at Shiplake College Oxfordshire followed, and Mr Walter progressed from PE teacher to Head of Department, whilst also teaching GCSE PE, A Level PE, and Biology. Alongside this, he also held the positions of Head of Hockey and Deputy Housemaster. During his time at Shiplake, Mr Walter developed a passion for the holistic development of students, understanding the importance of building positive relationships both in and out of the classroom. Following this, Mr Walter moved to Somerset, to take up the role of Director of Sport at Queen's College Taunton. Several enjoyable years allowed Mr Walter to redesign the sports programme and build an exciting team that allowed the students to thrive, compete and develop a lasting love of sport. He believes that the impact of a PE department is measured by how many students continue to lead active lives after their school years.

Naturally, Mr Walter's hobbies are very active and he enjoys taking part in almost all sports. He has worked a ski season in Canada, and enjoys both skiing and snowboarding. He was a keen footballer and hockey player growing up, playing Premier division hockey in England before taking up triathlon. He has since won several races and completed a full Ironman event. He also enjoys exploring Singapore with his wife Mrs Walter, who also teaches at DCIS, and their pet dog, Vixie. They are also looking forward to exploring some of the exciting locations surrounding Singapore.