Richard Dyer


Richard Dyer holds qualifications from UK and US universities, including a BA and an MA in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, an MA in Educational Leadership from the University of Hull, a PGCE in Mathematics and ICT from the University of Warwick, an Advanced Certificate in School Leadership from Lancaster University, and a Certificate in School Management and Leadership from Harvard. He is a Fellow Member of the College of Teachers.

Richard joined Dover Court from The British International School Budapest, another member of the Nord Anglia Education family of schools, where he was Principal from 2015. He started his teaching career teaching mathematics in London before taking up his first international position in Hong Kong in 1986. Before joining Dover Court, he served in six British international schools in South East Asia and Europe, as Deputy Principal, Head Teacher and Principal. During that time he has been involved in supporting schools in areas such as the improvement of self-evaluation processes, accelerated learning, restorative practices, drugs education, middle and senior leadership development programmes and performance management. He has taught on postgraduate degree programmes for Head Teachers and Principals in association with universities in Hong Kong, Australia and England and has presented at education conferences worldwide. He is a Fellow Member of the College of Teachers and an inspector for the UK’s Independent Schools Inspectorate.

Richard is fascinated by learning and excited about being in an era where more is known about how children and young adults learn than ever before. With three internationally educated children of his own, he is committed to the values and principles of international education, believing that the young people of today are truly capable of fulfilling the mission of creating a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. He regards schools as duty bound to empower young people of all ages and interests to take over responsible stewardship of their communities and the planet we share.

Richard is in Singapore with his wife, enjoying the vibrancy of the cultures at the heart of South East Asia. He is passionate about music and he cycles, swims and plays badminton to keep fit. He regularly attempts to juggle balls and clubs to remind himself that we are all capable of learning something new.