Rebecca Flint

RE class teacher

Rebecca Flint graduated from Kings College London with MSc Global Environmental Change and after a successful career as a Senior Environmental Advisor and spending a few years raising her two small children she completed a PGCE in Primary Teaching at the University of Sunderland. 

Rebecca enjoys teaching the most when it is driven by what interests the children and the questions that the children have about a topic. She believes that activities should be as hands on as possible so that the children learn from experience, this inspires curiosity and by questioning and investigating these experiences a child’s desire to understand leads to learning. 

Rebecca combines her knowledge and enthusiasm of the environment and sustainability with her love of teaching which she feels provides her with a unique opportunity to pass on that love and respect of the natural world around us and encourage our future generations to safeguard what we have and become kinder and more considerate to the world (and people) around us. 

Rebecca grew up exploring the countryside and coastline of Cornwall in the UK, later moving to London to study and work which eventually led to her relocating with her family to Singapore in 2017. Rebecca loves to share new experiences with her partner and two children and explore the world through the eyes of her children. Her favourite parts of Singapore are the nature reserves and rainforest.