Elizabeth Franklin

5B class teacher

Elizabeth Franklin graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in elementary science. She then continued her post graduate studies with a yearlong teaching internship in Michigan and following this received her teaching certificate. 

Throughout her university career, she enjoyed several placements ranging from early childhood to 5th grade.   

After her internship, her teaching career led her to Houston, Texas. For the next 5 years she was a classroom teacher, teaching 5th and 3rd grade, as well as serving as a team leader. In addition, she spent 3 years as the elementary math intervention teacher. This role focused on working with children to develop their mathematical skills and understanding across all grade levels in the school. Elizabeth has worked with a wide range of learners, and it is the inclusivity of Dover Court that has drawn her to the campus. She is eager to develop an excitement and passion for learning with all her students. 

Outside of the classroom, Elizabeth leads an active lifestyle with her husband, daughter, and dogs. She enjoys being outdoors as well as exercising. This is to counterbalance her love of baking! If she’s not in the gym or behind the oven, you can find her at a local coffee shop enjoying the company of friends.