Bethany Clarke

Year 9 Progress Leader and Drama teacher
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Bethany graduated from De Montfort University with BA Hons in Drama Studies and Education Studies, before completing her PGCE in Secondary Drama at Warwick University.

Bethany joined Dover Court in August 2019 after being Head of Drama for almost two years at an inner city school in Coventry. She has directed several schools productions and is passionate about enrichment and extra-curricular provision, having supported in fashion shows, music concerts, celebration events and community days in her previous role. Bethany is passionate about teaching and learning and has led several staff training sessions on the use of differentiation to support all students in the classroom.

Bethany strives to have high expectations of all students and believes that developing the confidence, creativity and collaborative skills of young people is the key to helping them unlock their potential in school and beyond. She strongly believes in building trusting relationships with pupils so that they feel free to express themselves, make mistakes, build resilience and realise their independence.

Bethany is delighted to be able to combine her devotion to teaching with her love of travelling. She is particularly excited about the opportunity to turn scuba diving into a new hobby, as well as trying the delicious food that Singapore has to offer.