Ben Coles

RC class teacher
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Ben Coles graduated from Brighton University with a BA (Hons) in Early Years Primary Education with Qualified Teaching Status.   

Ben discovered his love of teaching during a series of charity placements with special needs children overseas. He was inspired to teach within the early years while working as a teaching assistant in Bristol and went on to specialise in ages three to seven during his teaching degree at Brighton University. Ben has worked at a series of prestigious independent schools in the UK, from Bath to London.  

During a role at Knightsbridge School, Ben also took on the role of charities co-ordinator, intertwining charity work with the curriculum and empowering the children to choose causes and fundraisers. As a keen chef, Ben has been known to create cooking clubs (plus football clubs to help burn off some of the cakes!). 

Caring for the whole child is Ben’s educational philosophy, with a holistic learning approach that aims to create thoughtful global citizens. His classroom is a positive, energetic, and exciting place, with learning approaches designed around the individual child and their key interests. With an emphasis on pastoral care and building trust, Ben’s calm and caring relationship with the children creates a safe and inquisitive environment where the children feel safe to explore their environment and ask lots of questions.   

The arrival of Ben’s two sons saw a family relocation to Singapore, where Ben enjoys triathlons and hopes to take on his (second!) Ironman.