Adam Ross

9AR form tutor and English teacher

Mr Ross completed his studies at Liverpool University, where he attained a degree in English. He then pursued a PGCE in Secondary English at Manchester University.

As one might expect, being an English teacher, Mr Ross is a voracious reader: his favourite authors are Donna Tartt, ‎Liu Cixin, Kazuo Ishiguro and Ian McEwan. He loves sharing his passion for storytelling and etymology with his students. Mr Ross began his career teaching at Brampton Manor Academy in East London before moving to the Middle East, where he led an English department in Qatar.

A firm believer in the adage that a healthy body begets a healthy mind, Mr Ross spends his spare time watching and playing football (he attended 11 matches at the 2022 World Cup), going to the gym and trying out new recipes in the kitchen (with mixed success). Moreover, he has completed a number of half marathon races and enjoys the sense of achievement and competition on race day. In 2020, he gained his PADI Open Water diving qualification and takes every opportunity that he can to swim with sharks and whales.