Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 November, 2019

Success for Dover Court at the Tournament of Champions for the World Scholar's Cup

Success for Dover Court at the Tournament of Champions for the World Scholar's Cup We are delighted to have had nine students travelling to Yale University in the United States of America to compete in the Tournament of Champions for the World Scholar’s Cup.

We are delighted to have had nine students travelling to Yale University in the United States of America to compete in the Tournament of Champions for the World Scholar’s Cup.

This year’s topic was titled ‘A World on the Margins’ and our students have sacrificed several months of their weekends, lunchtimes and school holidays to revise and study the eye-opening and challenging curriculum.

Our students worked tirelessly, in a range of areas: debating whether or not a sentient robot should be granted the same rights as a human being as well as answering puzzling questions surrounding unsolved mysteries, the science behind transactionologies, and social conformity experiments. But it wasn’t all hard work; they travelled to school every day in a yellow school bus and even met two alpacas named Painted Warrior and Sandstorm as part of their scavenger hunt.

We were lucky enough to explore beautiful New Haven and New York City. We learnt about the unique history of Yale University during our campus tour, which included a visit to Beinecke Library - a building with thousands of original books and manuscripts. We took a day trip to see the bustling city of New York and visited Times Square, the 9/11 memorial, Rockefeller Centre, and even a small speck of the Statue of Liberty from the Top of the Rock.

Myself, Ms Eades and Mr Moody are incredibly proud of our teams as they have returned with a whopping 24 medals between our 9 students. Additionally, we had two birthdays to celebrate! It was a wonderful trip, and it’s one with many great memories - we’ve also received an even bigger alpaca to add to our collection. Well done to all of our scholars!

Mrs Nesbitt
Secondary English Teacher and Trip Leader