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Early Education Open House
Admissions to 2025-2026 are now open
Dover Court has a history of extensive charity work and with the launch of Nord Anglia Education's Share a Dream initiative we have worked on a new charity programme.
Share A Dream is an online social engagement platform, designed to engage Nord Anglia Education schools, students and teachers in outreach activities. As an intuitive solution for social responsibility engagement, Share A Dream helps facilitate the good work happening in every Nord Anglia school community, and gives students and teachers the power to effect positive, lasting change through activities.
During term three last year the Dover Court students had the opportunity to select the charities that the school would support over the next two years.
Friday 11th October was our first Charity Day of the year and a range of activities have been going on on campus to raise money and awarenss. All students were invited to a non-uniform day for a a small donation, the new charity collection boxes placed at the entrence were a great success and the children enjoyed putting their donations in the boxes. The students had created some wonderful posters that were displayed in the foyer.
8MM and 11ML had worked hard all week in preparation for their bake sale in The Lounge. The students had baked all the goods on sale, made posters and ran the stand, all by themselves. They would like to thank all parents and staff for supporting them and helping them help others.
The Spot in the Red Dot Restaurant saw a number of busking performances, all performing to raise funds.
A wonderful day, truly showing that our students embrace the Dover Court vision.
The next charity event will take place the week after half term, where the Secondary Student Council in collaboration with DCA are running both a toy drive and a toiletries drive.
Items that can be donated to the Caring for Cambodia Toiletries drive:
Toothbrushes (especially childrens size)
Any other suitable Hotel Items
Toys From the Heart is looking for:
Creative items
Sports equipment
Action figures
Please no used soft toys or individual cars
Any new toys
General Enquiries
+65 6775 7664
Company Name: Dover Court International School (Pte) Ltd
Dover Court International School (Pte) Ltd is registered with the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG)
PEI Registration No: 197100313E | Registration Period: 05/07/2023 to 04/07/2027
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