Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 September, 2019

DCIS Year 2 Gardens by the Bay Trip

DCIS Year 2 Gardens by the Bay Trip 2SL and 2RB enjoyed their trip to Gardens by the Bay. HeroImage2SLand2RBTriptoGardenbytheBay

This week it was 2SL and 2RB’s turn for the Year 2 trip to Gardens by the Bay.

The children visited the Cloud Forest and Flower Dome, looking at plants that grow in the Desert and Rainforest. We were taught about the clever adaptations and features of these plants, for example, cacti’s spikes are used to store water and keep away predators. Mr Baines and Miss Lindars were very proud that the children could share lots of interesting facts that they had already learnt with their tour guides.

This trip has supported us with the ‘Our World’ IPC topic and we can’t wait to apply our new knowledge in class!

Samantha Lindars
Year 2 Class Teacher