Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 November, 2016

Dover United Come in Strong Second at U9 Boys Football Finals

Dover United Come in Strong Second at U9 Boys Football Finals

U9 Boys make coach proud with gutsy performance in grand finale match

Dover United Come in Strong Second at U9 Boys Football Finals U9 Boys make coach proud with gutsy performance in grand finale match

U9 Boys make coach proud with gutsy performance in grand finale match

The date was the 5th of November, the weather was dull but the children were raring to go!

It was finals day of U9 Boys Football. The children started the tournament in fine form scoring two goals straight away against Tanglin, no nerves were shown as we finished the game 3-1.

After a great first win the theme for the day continued as we beat Canadian international school who recently beat us 3-0 and returned the favour 3-0.

We then did the same against the Australian school. The football being displayed from the boys was fantastic and Mr Liperis was extremely proud of his team as they progressed to the semi-finals!

With a hard game against the German school in the semi-finals, it was always going to be close and it was with a 1-0 win with some nail biting last minute saves from Filippo, we secured an empathic win to reach the finals.  

The final was going to be difficult against a strong UWC team and it was the end of the dream for the boys with just running out of steam in the last game. Mr Liperis had this to say however “I could not be prouder of you boys today and how your attitudes have been throughout the tournaments, everybody at Dover Court are proud and you have been awesome!”

Mr Luke Liperis
PE Teacher