Year 4 raising funds for children with communication difficulties in Cambodia
Early Education Open House
Admissions to 2025-2026 are now open
Year 4 raising funds for children with communication difficulties in Cambodia
Year 4 raising funds for children with communication difficulties in Cambodia
We live in a world where there are many ways to communicate with people. We communicate verbally, using our body language and with written words. Words you speak to your loved ones, words you hear when you are watching a movie and the words you are reading on this page.
But what if you had a difficulty hearing those words? What it you couldn’t say those words? What if you couldn’t figure out what the words you hear or the words you see mean? These are situations that people with communication difficulties have to deal with every day.
The Year 4’s at DCIS will be experiencing what this is like by taking part in the DAY WITHOUT SPEECH initiative to raise funds for children with communication difficulties in Cambodia. By giving up speech, they will raise awareness and funds for children with communication and swallowing disabilities. They will be using other methods to communicate such as gesture, facial expressions, writing and use of technology. The funds will go towards providing children in rural Cambodia with speech therapy, providing teachers with training and resources to support children with communication difficulties, as well as provide funds to establish a speech and language therapy course.
General Enquiries
+65 6775 7664
Company Name: Dover Court International School (Pte) Ltd
Dover Court International School (Pte) Ltd is registered with the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG)
PEI Registration No: 197100313E | Registration Period: 05/07/2023 to 04/07/2027
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