Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 November, 2015

Dover Court November Letter from Head of Primary School

Dover Court November Letter from Head of Primary School

Updates on Primary assessment, Deepavali, Christmas preparations and insight into Year 2 Project Based Learning

Dover Court November Letter from Head of Primary School November highlights from our Head of Primary School, Kara Lebihan

Updates on Primary assessment, Deepavali, Christmas preparations and insight into Year 2 Project Based Learning

Dear DCIS Parents and Guardians,

A warm welcome from the primary school where we are as ever super-busy.  I want to start by saying how much I am enjoying working with your children here at Dover Court. The more smiles I see and the more names I learn, the more positive and rewarding the experience becomes for me. It is a true delight being here!

You child may have mentioned that they have been working on assessment this week. This is part of our yearly assessment cycle and students from Y1- Y4 have all been working extremely hard over the course of the week, showing their teachers just what they can do. Teachers will use the information they gather from the assessments to write reports and to talk to parents about the progress being made at the parent conferences which are coming up on 24th and 25th November. The children have been great at staying focussed and I hope they all enjoy some well-deserved rest at the weekend.

As I walk round school I can already see that Christmas is well underway; carols are being rehearsed by Y3 and Y4 ready for our Carol Concert at St George’s church on the evening of Wednesday December 2nd, and teachers in lower primary are in the process of putting together song lists and gathering costumes ready for our two productions on Thursday 26th November. More in information to follow on these events – we are all greatly looking forward to them!

As well as this there are also preparations going on for our Deepavali Assembly which Y1 will be talking the lead with on Friday 13th November. Please remember that this day is also a cultural dress up day for all students – we look forward to seeing children in school in their Deepavali costumes on that day. All parents are invited but priority will be given to parents of Year 1 students due to limited space in Cooper Hall. Year 1 parents will be able to see their children on the big stage and it is promising to be a lovely event.

From now on our primary contribution to the newsletter will have a focus on a particular year group so we can all have a snap shot of what has been going on in and around school. This time we are finding out about our hardworking Year 2 and their Project Based Learning – thanks to the teachers for their contribution.

Year 2 Project Based Learning

Over the last few weeks, Year 2 have been introduced to our new theme. Our vision for learning with this new topic is: 

  • To celebrate the diverse nature of our learning community

By the end of this theme the children will create a product that would enable everyone to experience the seaside through touch.  They will use a variety of materials, considering the suitability of each and thinking about how the materials can be joined together, to create a useful product. The children will be using the physical features of the seaside as a stimulus to complete this project.

As a part of this theme the children will be using their paper joining origami skills to create an origami sea creature.  These will be displayed at the front of the school so do look out for them.  

Please do remember to check the Primary Class Blogs to see what you can be doing to support your child's learning at home. 

As ever, do contact me if you have any questions - I am always very happy to help.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend.

Best wishes

Kara Lebihan

Head of Primary School