Week 2 | Message from Primary - Week 2 Message from Primary
Tamara Keenan
11 九月, 2020

Week 2 | Message from Primary | 2020

Week 2 | Message from Primary - Week 2 Message from Primary
Week 2 | Message from Primary As we have just completed our second week of the academic year, I have enjoyed spending time in classes speaking to the students and observing lots of great teaching and learning taking place. LD2A2520

As we have just completed our second week of the academic year, I have enjoyed spending time in classes speaking to the students and observing lots of great teaching and learning taking place.

In Early Years, I have been most impressed with the children’s biggest challenge yet to date and that is separating from mummy and daddy. Even our youngest two year olds were settled and engaging in the enabling environment filled with plenty of learning opportunities.

Year One have been discussing and sharing stories about their families and in Year Two they took their leaning practically outside where they labeled the parts of the body on a giant human chalk outline.

To consolidate their knowledge of place value, Year Three were playing dominoes with pictures, words and numerals and had to match them together. Year Four have been working on their contemporary 3D artwork and replicated Andy Warhol’s pop art cans.

In Year Five, they were learning about rounding up to the nearest thousand and Year Six were quoting evidence out of their whole class text to back up their view.

I was fascinated with how effortlessly the students used their files on TEAMS within their lesson and it reassured me that in these uncertain times, our children would be able to access their learning no matter what comes our way.


In our Primary Assemblies this week we continued to focus on our ‘Mind Your Manners’ initiative and it was lovely to hear students share good examples of this, such as helping each other when hurt, holding doors and using magic words. I would like to take this opportunity, to thank you (our parents) for your continued support with this.


Have a wonderful weekend,


Mrs. Keenan