Week 3 | Message from Primary - Week 3 Message from Primary
Tamara Keenan
18 九月, 2020

Week 3 | Message from Primary | 2020

Week 3 | Message from Primary - Week 3 Message from Primary
Week 3 | Message from Primary LD2A3257_1

I have to start by saying how lovely it was to see many of our Primary parents at our off-site Meet and Greet this week. Building home-school links are very important to us and with the current regulations and not being able to welcome parents on to our campus, we were delighted to provide this opportunity outside of school to continue to foster our parent partnership.

I would like to thank our parents again for all your continued support with our ‘Mind Your Manners’ initiative. With our collaboration in school and at home, it had been evident around school that students are much more aware of and are using their manners. It brings me great pleasure to have teachers share the many examples of good behaviour and social graces that our Primary children have been exhibiting throughout the week.

Linked nicely with good manners has been our random acts of kindness, which has been our focus in Guidance Lessons and Assemblies over the last couple of weeks. As we started this academic year we thought this would be a really good attribute to nurture especially following the challenging year we have had and as we welcome new students into our NAIS community. It was heart-warming to see children help their friends when hurt or sad and this is yet another example of our socially ambitious students that we foster here at NAIS Pudong.

Speaking of our community, today in our Year Four to Year Six Assembly, we celebrated our nominated Student Council, House Captains and Deputy Captains. Working with Miss. Styles and Mr. Jennings, we are excited to see what they have to offer and the initiatives they will lead on in the next coming weeks.


With regards to our wider Nord Anglia Education community, we are excited to launch our Virtual 2km run in Years Four to Seven next week. This is being led by our fabulous Physical Education Team in lessons and our records will be shared on our Global Campus. 


Go Tigers!


With warm regards,


Mrs. Keenan