Message from Primary - Message from Primary
Nord Anglia
27 十一月, 2020

Message from Primary - Nov 2020

Message from Primary - Message from Primary
Message from Primary

Last Monday marked the United Nation’s Day of Tolerance and our NAE Global Campus kick started a three week initiative with lots of activities to get involved in.

At NAIS, in guidance lessons the focus has been very much on this, additionally, in both the Years One to Three and Years Four to Six Assemblies we discussed what it means to be a school that is inclusive and tolerant. I was so impressed and proud of our students and the respectful answers and resolutions that they contributed to our discussions.

To end what has been another wonderful week in Early Years and Primary, Year Four showcased all their fantastic work from persuasive letters, plant inspired artwork, factual posters, displays to games on their topic, ‘Saving the World’. Year Two visited their Exit Point Showcase and it was lovely to see how our Year Four students engaged and shared their learning with their younger peers.

This weeks article is written by Andrew Lowery, our Assistant Head of Primary. You can read it here