Message from Primary - Message from Primary
Tamara Keenan
04 九月, 2020

Message from Primary - 4th Sept 2020

Message from Primary - Message from Primary
Message from Primary This week we have been focusing on manners and have been reminding our students of this. We have been celebrating polite and considerate manners such as holding the door, using ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and we have especially been encouraging polite dining manners whilst in The Hub. LD2A2290

How fitting has this beautiful late summer weather been for the start of a wonderful academic year 20-21. It has certainly been challenging to get to this point with the pandemic and we appreciate it still may be challenging for some of our families as they still manage blended learning for their children as they work hard to be able to join us physically on campus. Nevertheless, it has made us stronger and closer as a NAIS community, even if so virtually.  

Mrs. Wallace and I look forward to our first PCA meeting next week and please do join us if you are interested in being actively involved. All our Primary teachers have also reached out to ask parents if they may be interested in being a  Class Representative, so please do email your child’s teacher if you would like to get involved.

This week we have been focusing on manners and have been reminding our students of this. We have been celebrating polite and considerate manners such as holding the door, using ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and we have especially been encouraging polite dining manners whilst in The Hub. It would be great if at home you too could remind and encourage your child of this and please do share with us any wow moments you have observed.

We have especially been excited about our newly revamped Maker Space which has been designed and led by our STEAM Lead Mr. Hussein. The photographs illustrate some of the exciting learning that has already taken place in this first week.


Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs. Keenan