25 September, 2024

CDS Director’s Blog: The Panther Press

CDS Director’s Blog: The Panther Press - 25 CDS Directors Blog
The Power of Competition in Athletics at CDS

At CDS, we strive to create a well-rounded experience for your children, both academically and athletically. Based on feedback from you and our students, we are continuing to prioritize athletic performance, recognizing its key role in personal development. Today, I’d like to highlight the importance of competition in athletics—a focus supported by research and explored in books such as “Playing to Win,” by Hilary Levey Friedman.  

Studies have consistently shown that competition plays a vital role in shaping children’s growth, not only physically but also emotionally and socially. Engaging in competitive sports teaches resilience, helps build confidence, and cultivates goal-setting skills. According to Friedman in, “Playing to Win”, competition encourages young athletes to develop a "winning mindset"—a framework that translates into perseverance in the face of challenges, both on the field and off.  

While winning is often celebrated, the benefits of competition extend far beyond the final score. Research shows that the process of training, preparing, and working as a team leads to stronger interpersonal skills and the ability to manage pressure in high-stakes situations. At our school, we emphasize sportsmanship and character development through competition. We encourage students to embrace the learning that comes with both victories and setbacks, fostering a growth mindset that aligns with our school's commitment to balanced and courageous learners. 

We are incredibly proud to see a growing number of student-athletes demonstrating exceptional dedication both on and off the field. Many of our athletes are now training in the weight room, gym, or on the fields early in the morning or after school. Their commitment doesn’t stop with athletics—they are also putting forth tremendous effort in their academic pursuits, with some students managing the demanding workload of 2, 3, or even 4 AP courses with the same intensity they apply to their sports.  

This level of dedication reflects their drive, a key attribute in our school’s Definition of Learning. Whether in the classroom or on the field, these students are pushing their limits, showing resilience, and growing in their ability to balance multiple responsibilities. Their efforts are inspiring, and they serve as role models for younger students looking to excel both academically and athletically. 

In line with our school’s Definition of Learning, we believe in the development of students who are driven, compassionate, and intellectually engaged. Athletic competition serves as a dynamic way to nurture these qualities. Whether it's through teamwork, personal discipline, or striving for excellence, competition is a powerful tool to inspire students to reach their full potential and to become socially conscious and balanced individuals. 

We are taking a research-based approach to enhance our athletic programs. The principles outlined in “Playing to Win”—including the importance of consistency, long-term dedication, and strategic goal-setting—will guide our efforts. Additionally, we will offer opportunities for athletes at all levels to grow, while providing the necessary support to achieve personal and team goals. 

As we continue this journey to elevate our athletic programs, we welcome ongoing feedback from you, our parent community. Together, we can ensure that our students are developing the skills, confidence, and resilience to excel in both athletics and life.