22 August, 2024

CDS Director’s Blog: The Panther Press

CDS Director’s Blog: The Panther Press - 22 CDS Directors Blog
The Importance of a Clear Eligibility Policy for Extracurricular Activities

As we begin another exciting school year, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of maintaining clear eligibility policies for our extracurricular activities, particularly those involving expeditions and sports. At Country Day School, we believe that these experiences are an integral part of our students’ holistic development. However, we also recognize the need to balance these activities with academic responsibilities and behavioral expectations. 

Why a Clear Eligibility Policy Matters 

 Our eligibility policy is not just a set of rules; it is a framework designed to ensure that all students who participate in expeditions and sports are fully prepared to represent our school with pride, both academically and behaviorally. The CDS Expeditions Eligibility Policy for 2024-25 outlines specific criteria that students must meet to participate in out-of-country trips, such as Nord Anglia Education Expeditions, AASCA events, and Global Games. These criteria include maintaining a minimum average grade, demonstrating proficiency in Approaches to Learning, adhering to attendance requirements, and exhibiting good conduct. 

Research consistently shows that students held to high academic and behavioral standards are more likely to excel in their studies and in other areas of life. A study published in the *Journal of Educational Psychology* found that students who participate in extracurricular activities under strict eligibility guidelines tend to perform better academically and develop stronger time management skills. Additionally, these students often exhibit higher levels of self-discipline, which translates into better overall conduct. 

Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars 

 We understand that our students are passionate about their extracurricular activities, whether it be representing CDS in a sporting event or participating in an educational expedition. However, it is essential that these passions do not come at the expense of their academic success. The eligibility criteria, which include maintaining a minimum average grade of 70% and having no more than 8 absences in a class at the time of the Mid-Semester Report, are in place to ensure that students prioritize their studies while still enjoying the benefits of extracurricular involvement. 

Moreover, the policy regarding missed or late assignments is designed to instill a sense of responsibility and accountability in our students. By requiring students to manage their time effectively and meet deadlines, we are preparing them for the challenges they will face in higher education and beyond. 

Ensuring Academic Success for All Student

Our goal at CDS is to support the academic success of every student. By implementing these eligibility requirements, we are not only encouraging students to strive for academic excellence but also fostering a school culture that values discipline, hard work, and integrity. These qualities are essential for success, both in and out of the classroom.

The CDS Expeditions Eligibility Policy reflects our commitment to the holistic development of our students. We want to ensure that those who represent our school in travel and sports competitions are not only talented in their respective fields but also demonstrate the academic and behavioral standards that define the CDS community. I encourage all students and parents to review this policy carefully and to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you for your continued support in making Country Day School a place where academic excellence and personal growth go hand in hand.