24 March, 2023

Words from Secondary

Words from Secondary - Words from Secondary
Important Upcoming Dates: 
  •   Wednesday, March 29th: Parent Teacher Conferences for grades 6-8 (8:00-2:30) 

Words from Secondary - Words from Secondary

March Madness 

This week is March Madness in the High School! To mirror the NCAA basketball tournament in the US and bring back the fun of the Mundialito, the STUCO is putting on a 3-on-3 basketball tournament this week. Games will be Tuesday through Friday, with a champion crowned as we release for Semana Santa. MIT Roller Coaster Challenge for MS Students 

Friendly reminder to parents that we do not allow students to order Uber Eats, or any other delivery service, for food at CDS. We’ve had a few students ask to do that recently and want to make sure you know the policy. 

This week is Parent Teacher conferences at the Middle School for grades 6-8. Parents are encouraged to bring their student with them to conferences so they can be a part of the discussion. This is a reminder that there are no classes for grades 6-8 on Wednesday. Please email Mr. Balding (brian.balding@cds.ed.cr) if you tried to schedule a conference and the teacher you wanted to meet with was full. 

The MIT STEAM Rollercoaster Challenge is coming! Please review the important dates and information below: 

  • April 24-May 11: Challenge 
  • May 12: Rollercoaster Exhibit 

Words from Secondary - Words from Secondary

The following supplies can be brought by students from home, please send these items with your Middle School student if you have them: 

  • Cereal boxes.  
  • Straws  
  • Cardboard or paper rolls  
  • ‘Pringles’ tubes  
  • Juice/milk boxes (big or small) 

Message from our Nurse

In the last few days, the number of students with respiratory symptoms in High School has increased considerably.  For this reason, as a community we have to implement protocls to prevent the introduction and spread of respiratory diseases in school:

  • Reinforce hand washing
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
  • Try not to touch face, eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Do not share cups, eating utensils, food, or drinks with others.
  • Model good practices such as sneezing or coughing into your elbow or tissue.
  • Children with respiratory symptoms should NOT stay in school.
  • Promote the voluntary use of a mask in school when necessary.

We will send home students who have the following symptoms: 

  • One of these symptoms: fever, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. (Fever must be gone for 24 hours)
  • Two of these symptoms: cough, chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, fatigue, and congestion or runny nose

If your child has any symptoms of is taking any medication contact our Nurse, Natalia Ureña (natalia.urena@cds.ed.cr) know.  If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Ureña.  As always, we appreciate your help in this matter.

From the College Counselor, Mr. Gerardo de Vega:

We are one week away from the Central American College Tour. These are exciting times at CDS, You are more than welcome to join us March 27, from 8 am to 1 pm, in the Gym. I hope to see many of you at the fair. Here's a list of participating universities:

 Arizona State University by Kaplan International  Kansas University   Universidad Austral Argentina 
 Audencia Business School  Lakehead University (Ontario, Canada)  Universidad de Navarra
 Australian Option Education  Le Cordon Bleu  Universidad EARTH
 Berlin School in Business and Innovation  Lynn University  Universidad Europea del Atlántico
 Bryant University  MacEwan University  Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
 Business & Hotel Management School  Memorial University of Newfoundland  Universidad Francisco Marroquín
 Cats Global schools (CSVPA)  Nuova Accademia Di Belle Arti, NABA Istituto Marangoni  UNIVERSIDAD PANAMERICANA
 CEU Universities  Ontario Tech University  Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
 CIS University - Madrid  Purdue University  University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
 Concordia University  Red de Universidades Anahuac  University Canada West/ UCW
 Coquitlam College  Rider University  University College Birmingham
 De Montfort University  San Francisco State University  University of Bristol
 Elon University  Savannah College of Art and Design  University of British Columbia
 Emerson College  Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico (DAAD)  University of Colorado Boulder
 Esade Business & Law School  Sommet Education (Glion - Les Roches - Ducasse)  University of Delaware English Language Institute
 Florida State University - Republic of Panama Campus  Southeastern University  University of Essex
 Fordham University  Swiss Education Group  University of Kentucky
 Franklin & Marshall College  Tecnológico de Monterrey  University of Miami
 Full Sail  Texas Christian University  University of Oregon
 Georgia State University  Texas Tech University Costa Rica  University of Pittsburgh
 Gettysburg College  The New School  University of Rhode Island
 Hope College  The University of Guelph  UNIFIED JOURNEYS
 Hult International Business School  ULACIT  UNEDassis (España)
 ITAM Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México  ULEAD  Vancouver Community College
 Jacobs University Bremen John Cabot University  Yondders (Valencia Community College)