24 March, 2023

Words from our Director

Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Hello CDS Families! 

As Semana Santa quickly approaches and we are getting ready to take some much deserved and much needed time to rest, it is amazing to think about where we are in this point of the school year and how much we have achieved as a community. At our recent 60th anniversary celebration, I mentioned how I have adopted the core value of growth to help guide our community. This value is multifaceted and can drive us all in many ways. Thinking about how we have grown this year, physically in numbers, from 701 students to our current enrollment number of 767 students... and climbing, how we have grown together as a community, and how we have grown individually in our craft, whether that is student learning, professional development as educators, or as part of a global community with Nord Anglia, the growth is undeniable and inspiring. 

With growth comes change and that can often be uncomfortable and cause strife within a community. Here at CDS we have not seen that. We have seen community members, both new and longtime, embrace the changes that have been rolled out and offer meaningful feedback to help propel our school community forward. There is no doubt that we have work to do. Our educational offer is at the heart and soul of what we do as educators and our Instructional Leadership Team, consisting of all the principals, assistant principals, and director, facilitated by our director of teaching and learning, is committed to academic excellence here at CDS and is working diligently with many different stakeholders to improve student performance. We have work to do with our athletic offering and after school offering, all things that have been identified through student, parent, and teacher feedback. We ask for your continued support as we move forward to make all aspects of our community excellent and exciting.  

We wish you all a safe and wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you on campus! 


Words from our Director - Words from our Director
Jack Young 
Country Day School