02 June, 2023

Words from our Director

Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Hello CDS Families! 

I hope this finds you well and getting ready for a much-deserved weekend. This has been an incredibly busy week here on campus and I would like to spotlight our Performing Arts Department for their amazing work in putting on two performances in the span of a week! Lead by CDS Drama teacher Ms. Andrea Aguilar, she was joined by CDS Performing Arts lead, Oscar Valverde’s band, CDS Art teacher, Xavier Villafranca, and CDS Choir teacher, Robert Montoya, to put on a phenomenal performance of The Wizard of Oz. This production involved students from all Performing Arts and Visual Arts classes and was truly an amazing collaborative effort. In addition, Ms. Aguilar’s Secondary Drama students will be debuting their performance of The Play That Goes Wrong, both tonight (Friday, June 2), and tomorrow night, Saturday, June 3rd. Please come out to support our student performers.  

The CDS athletic teams, led by Athletics Coordinator, Glenda Pearson, put on their annual CDS Panther’s Sports Banquet. It was amazing to see the comradery and passion for sport shared by students, parents, and coaches alike. We were left with a sense of excitement for the coming seasons and the anticipation of celebrating AASCA victories in our future! 

As Director of our school, I am always so proud of our students and teachers for their accomplishments and efforts as they learn and grow in our community, but these performances and events bring out a level of teamwork amongst our entire school community that is unprecedented. Students, teachers, maintenance staff, and parents all work together to produce these amazing events and the results have been nothing less than incredible. Our CDS theatre has been buzzing with life. Well done, Ms. Aguilar, Mr. Valverde, Mr. Montoya, Mr. Villafranca, Ms. Pearson, and everyone else who took part! 

We wish you all a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you at our performances this weekend! 


Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Jack Young 