Love was in the air in the Secondary this week! For Valentine’s Day, the high school student council sold serenatas, with students singing to staff and students upon request. We had a photo booth and a Mariachi band in the middle school and both divisions had candy/flowers. We ended the week with fan buses going to Lincoln to cheer on the Panthers at AASCA.
- PSAT for 8th grade, March 15: On March 15th the 8th grade will take the PSAT 8/9. The PSAT 8/9 gives an early prediction on an SAT score and areas for growth for our students. It also provides predictors of success in Advanced Placement Courses that we will use to recommend courses for the 9th grade year. Students will learn more about the test in the week before the PSAT.
- Secondary Parent Update Night: On March 14th we will be hosting a Secondary Parent Update night. The night will begin at 5:30 with a reception in the Pavilion, followed by a program at 6:00. The program will include updates in the Secondary School from our Head Director, Principal, Assistant Principal, Director of Teaching and Learning, College Counselor, and Student Council President. Please plan to attend this meeting to learn about the changes that have occurred in the Secondary School this year and a look at what is to come.
- Mr. Balding in Africa: Mr. Balding, the Secondary Principal, will be in Tanzania on the Kilimanjaro expedition for the next two weeks. While out, the acting principal will be the Director of Teaching Learning, Liz Cotter. If you need to contact her, please email her at
- Anti-Bullying Day, February 22nd: February 22nd is Anti-Bullying Day at CDS. Students and staff are encouraged to wear pink to show solidarity against bullying.
- MIT Steam Week Application Deadline: Sunday, February 19th is the deadline for our current 8th grade and 10th grade students to apply for a place to travel to the annual STEAM week @ MIT. If interested, please complete the following form:

From our College Counselor, Gerardo de Vega:
There is still time for high school students to register for the National Student Leadership Conference Summer Pre College Programs. If you want to know more about them let me know.
Several universities will be visiting CDS throughout the semester. Please make sure you check the upcoming newsletters to know who's coming in.
Two things that students must discover in high school: purpose and passion. Want to know more? Let's talk.