Nord Anglia Education
Country Day School
04 March, 2022

Words from Secondary, 04.03.2022

Words From Secondary
Words from Secondary Slide2

Mr. Jose Luis Menendez
Secondary Principal

Dear Secondary Families,

Mr Menendez

March has begun! We are closing in on the end of the quarter here in a couple of weeks.  Students may be having a little bit of anxiety as assessments and projects are coming due.  It’s always a good idea to sit down with your child and talk to them about any upcoming school work so they can plan and know they have support at home as they work to complete their tasks.  

As they do their schoolwork, find time to take breaks with them.  Balancing life can be exhausting, but fulfilling.  Focus on the well-being of everyone.  Playtime, Downtime, Family time (PDF)  is key to a well-balanced outlook.  If students are able to balance their schoolwork with PDF, then they will be more fulfilled and less stressed. 

Below is our information and news for the Secondary.

Thanks for all of your support.

Onward and Upward,



A Week next week 3.7-3.11,  E Week 3.14-3.18

Next week will start with an A day.  Be sure students are prepared for their classes starting with A period Monday.


HS International Women’s Day Assembly

International Women's Day 2022: Date, theme, history and significance

This Tuesday, HS GSA, EqualityNow, and Panther Banter will be hosting an assembly to celebrate International Women’s Day in the theater for High School students.  They have arranged for a guest speaker to speak to us through Zoom and will be hosting a club fair afterward to celebrate the accomplishments of women in society.


HS Course Registrations Continue

icon-sign-up – Ferndale Primary

HS course registrations are continuing for the next couple of weeks. We are working on creating the schedule for the next school year by speaking with each Generation in the HS and talking to them about course selections for next year.  They will be arriving home with Course Registration forms to be signed by parents before filling them in digitally.  Ms. O and Ms. Mora have been assisting with course registrations.


FARO Exams for 11th Grade

The FARO exams are scheduled to be administered in mid-June after the end of our school year.  Mr. Fernandez and Ms. Mora are working with MEP to provide 11th-grade students with the opportunity to take the FARO exams in late June for those wanting to take advantage of the three opportunities given for the FARO exams.  Juniors not taking the first exam in June will miss out on the opportunity and will have to take the 2nd exam in November, which looks to be scheduled during the Thanksgiving break.  

We will have Mr. Fernandez share more information once we have finalized the details for taking these exams.

MEP da a conocer guías técnicas y fechas para aplicación de pruebas FARO |  Ministerio de Educación Pública