Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 March, 2023

IGCSE Global Perspectives Exhibition March 2023

On 22nd March, Secondary students, teachers and parents of Year 10 students were delighted to be invited to attend the IGCSE Global Perspectives Exhibition at BSB Shunyi.  

The exhibition was organised by our Year 10 students where they shared their Global Perspectives Team Project that they have spent the past term collaborating on.

During the event from 1:30-3:30pm, students did an amazing job guiding parents, teachers and students through their chosen Global Issue and the outcome they have prepared. They also answered many interesting questions from the audience.

Well done Year 10!

What is the “Global Perspectives” course?

Global Perspectives is a unique learning experience where instead of learning subject content, students focus entirely on developing academic and thinking skills, such as critical thinking, research and evaluative skills. This is achieved by considering case studies, data, articles and scenarios linked to substantive and important issues of global significance. The course is formally assessed, and students receive an internationally recognised qualification at the end of the course.

Click here to read more about the course.