Principal's Update - 4 May, 2022 - Principal Update 4 May 2022
Jayne Needham
04 May, 2022

Principal's Update - 4 May, 2022

Principal's Update - 4 May, 2022 - Principal Update 4 May 2022

Dear parents,

Thank you for your support and interaction as we have switched to VSE and continue learning online until 12th May. In virtually visiting lessons, we are finding that students are engaged and teachers are working hard to ensure learning, enjoyment and community spirit continue.

As advised earlier, a city-wide initiative is underway and everyone is expected to test for 3 days in a row on 3rd May, 4th May and 5th May.

It has also been emphasised that the school is responsible for monitoring and collecting results for students despite them not being on the campus at this time.

A survey will be sent by WeChat today and we request that you upload evidence of testing so that we can report as required.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that these strategies for the prevention and control of the pandemic are implemented as requested and lead to a return to school as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about testing,

Kind regards,

Jayne Needham
