Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 May, 2022

2022 Fantastic Music Circuses!

2022 Fantastic Music Circuses! - 2022-fantastic-music-circuses

In Primary school, the Primary Instrumental Programme (PIPs) is offered to all students in Year 1 to 6. Students study music for two hours each week, made up of one hour of Curriculum work and one hour of PIPs.

The following instruments are taught:

  • Years 1 and 2  - Recorder
  • Years 3 to 6 - Violin, cello, guitar, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone or French horn

In April, all students in Years 4, 5 and 6 who studied an instrument in group lessons put on the fantastic BSB Music Circuses! 

String Music Circus 19th April

On Tuesday 19th April, the students performed on their chosen string instruments: violin, cello and guitar.

Each group from Y4, Y5, and Y6 had their turn on stage, ending in an amazing performance by the Junior Orchestra, led by Mrs. Izabela Piotrowska.

2022 Fantastic Music Circuses! - 2022-fantastic-music-circuses

Wind Music Circus 21st April

On Thursday 21st April, it was the winds students’ turn: flute, clarinet, French horn, trumpet and trombone, and then the Junior Wind Band, conducted by Mr. Leo.

For many students, this was their first time performing, and they did a wonderful job! The Primary students in the audience and everyone watching our livestream at home were entertained by the variety of musical styles of the pieces and the children’s smiles. Of particular note were the Year 6 groups who played divided parts and demonstrated how much they have progressed since Year 4.

2022 Fantastic Music Circuses! - 2022-fantastic-music-circuses

Everyone loved it! Well done to all our young instrumentalists!

Haley Clark

Director of Performing Arts

2022 Fantastic Music Circuses! - 2022-fantastic-music-circuses