Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 March, 2022

Congratulations to our 2022-23 Secondary Head Students

Congratulations to our newly elected Secondary Head Students – Jasmine Bourne and Lucy Carroll! They have passed through tough competitions, teacher interviews and won the vote from our Secondary students.

Jasmine and Lucy will take up the role of leading the Secondary school student body and provide role models for the students to aspire to. They will work together with the Student Council on issues raised by students and various projects aiming to improve school life.

Let's hear what it means to them being a Head Student and see what they enjoy doing in school!

Jasmine Bourne

Jasmine Bourne Head Student

Jasmine Bourne achieved an impressive 9A*/A grades in her IGCSE examinations.

1. How long have you been at BSB?

I have been here since Primary 1, and I have been helped in my time at school by the commitment and efforts of the BSB staff.

2. What do you like most about the school? 

I would like to describe BSB as a great melting pot, because of its students’ diverse backgrounds and cultures. This is beneficial in that we have a better understanding of each other. In addition, the school offers many Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) that vary from choir to Chinese painting.

The teachers also encourage students to take risks and participate in CCAs that they never tried before as it would also be a great opportunity to mingle with new people. From my peer’s progress in learning English as their second or third language, I can state that the English as an Additional Language (EAL) department is one of BSB’s best qualities.

3. What is your favourite subject(s) and what do you get involved with outside of the classroom? 

My favourite subjects would have to be Psychology and Maths. Whenever I am uncertain about a particular topic or exam question, I don’t hesitate to approach my teachers who are supportive and willing to give up their free time to give us an extra lesson after school as a CCA. Furthermore, I find class discussions in various lessons interesting and engaging. As for outside of the classroom, my interests lie in various sports. I have represented the school in the volleyball, basketball, and the aqua bears swimming team. This year, I participated in the school production and performed alongside many talented and passionate students. I have recently decided to help tutor pupils as a CCA, join the eco-committee and the school newsletter to give something back to the school community.

4. Are you excited about the challenge of Head Student and what do you feel you’ll bring to the role? 

The idea of sharing the responsibility for decision making and representing the student body is challenging yet thrilling at the same time! We aim to help create a nurtured atmosphere in BSB where all students know that they are supported by creating more revision CCAs. One of my other priorities is to push the idea of sustainability by implementing small changes and more surveys that will encourage students to be more environmentally friendly.  

Jasmine Bourne Head Student


Lucy Carroll 

Lucy Carroll Head Student

Lucy Carroll achieved an impressive 9A*/A grades in her IGCSE examinations.

1. How long have you been at BSB? 

I’ve been at BSB for 10 years now.

2. What do you like most about the school?

I like the sense of community and friendliness that you can find in every aspect of school from theatre to sports and of course in class.

3. What is your favourite subject(s) and what do you get involved with outside of the classroom?

My favourite subject would probably be English or Psychology. English because I can explore the hidden meanings behind different texts and Psychology as it allows me to understand people and why we make the decisions we do. Outside of the classroom I love taking part in the school play, playing a variety of sports as well as taking part and helping to lead the Primary Eco-Committee.

4. Are you excited about the challenge of Head Student and what do you feel you’ll bring to the role? 

Definitely! Head students have always been people I’ve looked up to and pushing myself to go outside of my comfort zone is one of the most exciting aspects. Personally, I think I’ll bring my own experiences throughout the years I’ve spent in this school – the friendships and connections I’ve made working in the student council as well as my ability to adapt and work towards a common goal.

Lucy Carroll Head Studenta