Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 January, 2022

"The Weekly BSB " 2021-2022 Issue 5

"The Weekly BSB " 2021-2022 Issue 5 - the-weekly-bsb--issue-5

"The Weekly BSB" is a weekly newspaper presented by our Young Journalist Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) which is made up of 22 students in Years 5 and 6. Students report on events and what's going on around school, conduct interviews and take their own pictures. Click “Read more” at the bottom to visit “The Weekly BSB” webpage to see previous issues!

“The Weekly BSB – Issue 5”

In this issue

  • The Olympics Are Almost Here!
  • New Years’ Resolutions: Resolutions or Rejections?
  • Teacher profile: Mr. Kieran Sear
  • TA Profile: Ms Christina Sun
2022 Beijing Winter Olympics from Bigstock

The Olympics Are Almost Here!

The Beijing Winter Olympics are coming soon! The event will begin on 4th February and ends on 20th February and many of us at the Young Journalists are very excited to watch!

It is the 24th Winter Olympic event held so far, and also the 2nd time that Beijing have hosted the Olympics. Beijing also now holds the honour of being the first city in history to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. The opening ceremony, a special event to officially begin the Olympics will take place in the National Stadium on the evening of 4th February. There are over 109 events throughout the Olympics, including figure skating, ice hockey, the luge and even sled dog racing!

The Young Journalists went around the school asking students and teachers with sports they are looking forward to the most out of a chosen list. Here are the results:

  • Skiing – 35%
  • Ice Hockey – 32%
  • Snowboarding – 15%
  • Ski Jumping – 10%
  • Curling – 8%

We are all looking forward to seeing the Beijing Winter Olympics and hope everyone tunes in once they start!

By Sophie, Vera, Tiffany, Nico, Ethan

(Cover Image from Bigstock)

NY Resolutions Picture 2

New Years’ Resolutions: Resolutions or Rejections?

This week, the Young Journalists have asked the question: Do students and staff at BSB make New Years’ Resolutions? To find out, we asked many people around the school and learned a little more about the history of making resolutions.

The earliest recorded celebration in honour of New Year’s arrival dates back around 4,000 years to ancient Babylon. Most history experts believe Babylonians were the first to make New Year’s Resolutions as we do today, although this famous ancient city held its New Year celebration in March, not January. It wasn’t until Julius Caesar ordered that 1st January were to become the first day of the year that the date changed.

We interviewed students and staff around the school, asking if they had created a resolution this year. A huge 98% of people said they had nothing! However, we were lucky enough to speak to both the Head Boy and Head Girl of the Secondary school, who both had made resolutions this year.

Hazel Lee

Hazel Lee, Head Girl of Secondary commented, “My New Year’s Resolution is to pass the IB and finally get into university. In order to do so, I have to study harder as it is my last year and our exams are in 3 months. As I have to pass IB before getting into university, it’s very important that I do well.”

Adrian Pailler

Adrian Pailler, Head Boy of Secondary stated, “My New Year’s Resolution is to finally learn how to cook so that I can finally save some money and give my mother a break! Hopefully by the end of IB, I can cook some basic things to survive university.”

Hopefully these resolutions from our Student Leadership Team inspire others to create their own resolutions!

By Lucas, Patrick, XiYi and Amy

(Cover Image from Bigstock)

Teacher Profile  Kieran Sear Picture

Teacher profile: Mr. Kieran Sear

On Tuesday 11th January, we interviewed Mr. Sear, a Year 2 class teacher. We ask him a series of questions in the hope of learning something new about him!

  • When did you start working in BSB? - September 2021.
  • What subject do you enjoy teaching most? - Science because there are experiments and predictions.
  • Why did you choose teaching? - Because I enjoyed school when I was young.
  • What is your favorite colour? - Yellow because yellow means happy.
  • Do you have pets? – No.
  • What hobbies do you enjoy out of school? - Football!!
  • What makes you stand out compared to the other teacher? - I helped the EAL children and work with them.
  • What do you enjoy about working with children at BSB? - I like working together with the children and the staff in Year 2.

We hope you learned something new about Mr. Sear!

By Emily, Suri, Selena and Sean

TA Profile  Christina Sun Picture

TA Profile: Ms Christina Sun

On Wednesday 12th January, we interviewed Ms. Christina Sun, a Teaching Assistant in German Primary GK4. We asked her a series of questions in the hopes of learning something new about her:

  • When did you join BSB? - October 2019.
  • Do you want to be a teacher one day? - Maybe. But I need collect more experience first and I must have a teacher license.
  • Why choose an NAE school? - Because I like the atmosphere here.
  • What is your favorite food? - Noodles. People in Northern China love noodles!
  • Do you like BSB? - Yes because I like the atmosphere here and I can improve my language skills. Also, I can work with the children here.
  • Do you want to be a TA forever in BSB? - No! I can’t be here forever, but I’m glad to stay here for several years.
  • Do you like the lunch in school? - Yes, especially the sandwiches.
  • What is your favorite flower? - Daisy. Because it looks natural.
  • What are your hobbies? - I like watching videos.
  • What is your favorite subject? - Art. Because I like drawing.
  • What is your favorite colour? - Blue. it’s little bit environmental.
  • Do you have any pet? - I have a dog, his name is Duoduo and he is two years old.

We hope you learned something about our wonderful GK4 Teaching Assistant!

By Hamin, Henry, Queena, Milan and Ryan