Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 March, 2022

Celebrating Portable Magic Week!

Celebrating Portable Magic Week! - celebrating-portable-magic-week
Celebrating Portable Magic Week!

“Books are uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

Primary and Secondary are excited to celebrate the wonder of books during our annual Portable Magic Week. Students have many opportunities to fully immersed themselves in books and reading so they can experience the true magic that a book can bring.  At BSB, we aim to encourage all our students to develop a lifelong love of reading and share their thoughts and ideas with others. See some of the fun activities that have been going on this week!

Primary School

Click here to watch a video! Our Primary Councils explain what interesting activities are going on during Portable Magic Week. 

For World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March, students and teachers are encouraged to dress up as a book character.

Guest Readers - Ms. Jayne, Ms. Nonie, Ms. Brown, Ms. Debs and Mrs Dunhill to name a few dropped by to read stories and bring them into the magical world of books!

Meet the Author - Students are excited to meet Mr. Hayward, the author of ‘Normal Norm’ and learn about why he wants to write a book. They enjoy listening to Mr. Hayward reading part of his motivational book on self-confidence, believing in one’s self, and achieving dreams.

Students visit the Obido Book Fair with their class so they can buy some new books to read and share ideas with their friends.

Throughout the week, there are many fun activities such as DEAR - 'Drop Everything and Read', Library Club activities, reading in unusual places around the school, older students reading to young students and many more. All teachers have a book recommendation on their classroom door too.

Secondary School

Secondary students are celebrating Book Week too but we tried not to disrupt the normal lessons since mock exams are coming up for some year groups. Some of the activities during the week include:

  • DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read) during registration
  • Access to the week-long Obido Book Fair during break and lunch times
  • All teachers have a book recommendation on their classroom door too. Check it out!

On World Book Day 3rd March, some of our students read out a quotation to the whole school.

Bhibo Mgodeli  

'A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one' - George R. R. Martin

Quotation 9am Bhibo

Yoann Mazie

'Fiction is the truth inside the lie' - Stephen King

Quotation 10am Yoann

Nicolas Pfitzinger

'Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them' - Lemony Snicket

Quotation 11am Daniel

Harshit Gowda

'A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe' - Madeleine L'Engle

Quotation 2pm Harsha

Erick Sousa

'There is no friend as loyal as a book' - Ernest Hemingway

Quotation 3pm Eric