Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 April, 2021

Y6 created their own Fairground!

Y6 created their own Fairground! - y6-created-their-own-fairground
Y6 created their own Fairground!

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We have had fun filled weeks of learning in Year 6 as we have been off to the Fair!

‘Fairgrounds’ - a topic based unit, has allowed students to be creative, work collaboratively and take part in exciting challenges linked to fairground rides and attractions.

During the unit, students have enjoyed working on a range of STEAM tasks. For example, they created a marble rollercoaster to engineering a functional wooden Ferris wheel!

‘STEAM’ stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. The objective of ‘STEAM’ is to integrate these subjects and get students to think outside the box and problem solve. It has been great seeing the students apply their knowledge and understanding to overcome obstacles, work together and ‘Be Ambitious’ with their designs!

Using a range of digital apps, the students have also had great fun exploring fairgrounds including:

  • Using elements of Virtual Reality to ride a rollercoaster which they used for a creative piece of writing.
  • Using Minecraft to build fantastic virtual fairgrounds with rides and attractions.
  • Using photoshop apps, students were able to truly imagine themselves on a fairground ride and all the emotions that come along with it!
  • There was also wonderful artistic work produced using Procreate in the style of Fred Fowle (who was a renowned fairground artist from the UK)

Our ‘Fairgrounds’ topic is a fantastic example of how group-based STEAM tasks can be combined with digital activities to enhance and create memorable learning experiences for our students.

Raz Akhtar

Head of Year 6