Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 March, 2021

Teacher Profile March 2021 – Silke Kicker

Teacher Profile March 2021 – Silke Kicker - teacher-profile-march-2021-silke-kicker
Teacher Profile March 2021 – Silke Kicker

Click to read in Chinese and Korean

For each newsletter, we will interview a BSB Teacher so that parents and students can get to know more interesting facts about our teachers. This month we interviewed Mrs. Silke Kicker, who joined BSB in 2016 and is currently our Head of German Primary School (GPS).

1. What brings you to BSB Shunyi?

When my husband told me that we would move from Shanghai to Beijing, I immediately started looking for the perfect school for our children. The children decided that they want to go to an international school, so I had to find a school which offered both kinds of education - the German language programme and the English curriculum. When I found out that BSB was offering both, and additionally they were looking for a teacher, I knew, I would love this school and Beijing. And I still do!

2. Please describe your role and responsibilities at BSB.

After teaching at BSB as a German Primary Class Teacher for 4 years, I became Head of German Primary School (GPS) in August 2020. Since the beginning of this school year, besides teaching GK1, I have been able to lead our German Primary School at BSB, which has grown very close to my heart in the course of my teaching here. In the course of my work, I have known many schools, but hardly ever learned to love a school as much as BSB, where I am fascinated by cultural diversity every day. I always look forward to taking up new initiatives and ideas.

The German Primary School Team Ms. Juliane Schimann, Mr. Sebastian Kristandl, Ms. Simone Gasser and I are happy to work with the children this year. Our team also includes the fantastic Teaching Assistants (TA) Helena (GK1), Anna (GK2), Chrissi (GK3) and Christina (GK4). I am working closely with our teachers and TAs to ensure a high level of education and help them to meet the needs of the children. I feel responsible for ensuring that every child performs well and that they are happy at school every day. I am very grateful that I practice my profession with great passion.

3. What's "A Day in the Life at BSB" for you?

I typically arrive at school around 7:30am and my students arrive around 8:15am, so I use this time to catch up on emails or prepare for the day ahead. It is very busy in GK1 - there is never a quiet moment. The children arrive and then the fun and also the work begins. Luckily, I am teaching the little ones, so I still get many hugs!

There are so many amazing moments of learning that I feel very privileged to be a part of. BSB really is a very special place to work at - so much learning and fun at the same time.

4. What is unique about the BSB’s German Primary Programme in Beijing?

The BSB German Primary Programme gives students the opportunity to stay in their German learning programme but also get the best out of international education.

  • Our German primary students follow the Curriculum of the federal state of Thüringen and study the core subjects in their native language German.
  • Having a maximum of 20 students per class allows our German primary teachers to respond faster to the students’ individual needs and ensure a better learning environment.
  • Alongside our teachers, our qualified and German speaking teaching assistants support the students during the lessons in each class.
  • As part of the bilingual education system at BSB Shunyi, all core subjects such as German, Maths, Topic (Humanities and Science), Art and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) are taught in German.
  • Subsidiary subjects such as EAL (English as an Additional Language) Chinese, PE (Physical Education) and Music are taught in English following the English National Curriculum.
  • That gives our students the opportunity not only to improve their English skills but also to interact effortlessly with the English stream students.
  • Each classroom is situated within the international primary school.  So, our Primary students enjoy the benefits of attending an International school and the ability to rejoin immaculately the German curriculum when needed.

Watch a video about our BSB German Primary Prgoramme.

5.What do you enjoy most about teaching?

There are a so many things I appreciate about teaching at BSB. The friendships I have made and the opportunity to work with so many experienced teachers from all over the world. The children at BSB are lovely and enthusiastic learners. The International Day marks one of my highlights in the year in celebrating the cultural diversity in our school and in performing traditional folk dances. The choir performances of our German students at the Chinese Temple Fair is another highlight. Seeing all our children wearing traditional Chinese clothes and performing is just awesome!

6. Are you involved in any ASAs?

Yes, I am offering the German Homework Club for Year 1-3 students, who need help and more support with their work. But other students who want to join this ASA, but do not need extra support are welcome to join us too. They can do some fun German activities, such as singing German songs.

7. Please tell us about other members of your family in Beijing and any interesting places you’ve visited in China?

I am here in Beijing with my husband and 2 of our children who are studying at BSB. Christopher is 10 years old and in Year 5 now, Florentina is 12 years old and in Year 7. Our older daughters are already living in Austria. Katharina is 23 years old and nearly finished her Teachers’ degree at the University of Graz, Valentina is 19 years old and after graduating at BSB in 2020, she is now doing a combined course of Economics and Informatics in Vienna. Both girls have lived in Beijing with us before and they really miss China!  As a family we love travelling within China and to explore many beautiful places.

8. Please tell us about your hobbies.

When I am not at school or at home with my children, you will find me outside either running or reading a good book and enjoying the sunshine. In summer I run at least 3 times per week in the morning before school, and during the weekends I enjoy running with my husband. As an Austrian I also love skiing and I am more than happy that we have the possibility to ski here in Beijing.